Michigan Judge Ruling Extends MMFLA October Deadline
Judge rules extension for over 200 Michigan MMFLA applicants submitted in February are still operating as they await approval for their license under the new program...
Judge rules extension for over 200 Michigan MMFLA applicants submitted in February are still operating as they await approval for their license under the new program...
Detroit, Michigan provisioning center marks Michigan's first recorded sale for medicinal marijuana under MMFLA using Metrc® seed to sale tracking....
Canada has just became the second nation on Earth to legalize recreational marijuana - discovering a brand new industry for medicine, jobs, and tax revenue....
Nuggie is proud to announce it's partnership with Michigan based Cannabiz Connection business accelerator network....
Tuesday, June 5, has come and gone without the Michigan Legislature voting to adopt a ballot initiative that would make the recreational use of marijuana legal for the first time since 1972 in the Wolverine State...
Effective December 4, 2017, Michigan's Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) have issued a six month emergency rule set...
Michigan govenor Rick Snyder has signed legislature to use Franwell's Metrc™ seed to sale system for the production and tracking of cannabis seed-to-sale starting January 2018. ...
Our Theology Compliance Service is now online and currently undergoing Metrc™ integration. Please check back soon for further updates. ...
This site is still under construction and will be available shortly. ...