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Franwell’s Metrc ® Wins Michigan Seed to Sale

Nuggie / Business  / Franwell’s Metrc ® Wins Michigan Seed to Sale

Franwell’s Metrc ® Wins Michigan Seed to Sale

Michigan governor Rick Snyder has signed legislature to use Franwell’s Metrc ® seed to sale system for the production and tracking of cannabis seed-to-sale starting January 2018. The system will keep track of marijuana products from the beginning of cultivation at growing facilities to the packaging, testing, secure transfer and final sale at provisioning centers or dispensaries for Michigan’s Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) newly appointed Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation (BMMR) to oversee.

Franwell will run Michigan's program through a software program it developed called METRC, which stands for Marijuana Enforcement, Reporting, Tracking and Compliance.

says Lindsay Vanhulle with Crain’s Detroit.


The BMMR will begin accepting applications for licensing starting December 15, 2017. To learn more about the upcoming changes for Michigan, visit www.metrc.com/michigan and Michigan’s Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation website